DNCC mayor for social movement to eradicate mosquitoes
Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) Mayor M Atiqul Islam said aedes mosquitoes, dengue and chikungunya need to be prevented by transforming clean-up activities into a social movement.
“We have to work in unison to destroy all kinds of mosquitoes. For this, a social movement is needed. All of us have to clean our homes spontaneously every Saturday at 10 am for 10 minutes,” he said while speaking to the media at Bangladesh Club in city’s Uttara area.
Atiqul Islam said that he himself has implemented the slogan “10 minutes every Saturday at 10 am, clean your house”, said a press release.
He expressed his sincere gratitude to the people of the city who at the same time participated in the clean-up activities of their homes at the same time and promoted it on Facebook.
The mayor said that in order to ensure that no one dies of dengue and chikungunya during the corona epidemic, the DNCC people are conducting a 10-day mosquito eradication campaign in 54 wards of 10 regions simultaneously from July 26 to August 8.
Atiqul Islam said that necessary legal actions, including fine, are being taken as soon as the origin of aedes mosquito is identified in any government or private building, which will continue.
He said care should be taken to ensure that water does not accumulate in flower tubs, unused tires, coconut shells, various types of open packets or pots, roofs or anything else in any home for more than three days.
“People from all walks of life should come forward to fight aedes mosquitoes, dengue and chikungunya,” the DNCC mayor said, urging the city dwellers to “throw away stagnant water once in three days”.
He said free dengue testing has been arranged in 47 urban health centers of Dhaka North City Corporation for the welfare of the city dwellers.
“Sabar Dhaka” mobile apps are available in citizen services along while 333 numbers in emergency services and there are also hotlines numbers – 09602222333 and 09602222334, the added the mayor.
He said the provider of the most informative pictures about the origin of the aedes mosquito would be rewarded using everyone’s Dhaka mobile apps.